Friday, November 12, 2010

Sleep is Soooooo Overrated When Cuddles Are Involved

I also thought I could title this blog entry as "Other Jobs I Could Do That Require No Sleep." 

I guess I just don't know how to use "The Secret" correctly. And praying for sleep just isn't getting it done either. All three kiddos were up at some point last night (deja vu? I think I've posted that exact sentence way too many times). 

I like to sleep. Who am I kidding? I LOVE to sleep. I could sleep 12-14 hours, if a few little people I know would let me. 

And I know, I know. This is just that stage of parenting: little kids don't sleep well and we have to wait until the stage when they do sleep. But surely there is a way to TEACH them to sleep better. Or better yet, a way to teach them to simply go back to sleep after they wake up in the wee hours of the night. 

A conversation with my four-year-old:

Me: So, Alex, why do you think you keep climbing into my bed in the middle of the night?

Alex: Because, because . . .because . . .you keep carrying me back into my bed when I get into your bed, but I want to cuddle you. Don't you want to cuddle me?

Me: Of course, I want to cuddle you . . .I just prefer to cuddle in the middle of the day. 

Alex: But I like to cuddle you always! . . . I love you, Mama.

OK, OK . . . I know. My kiddos are pretty freaking awesome. And I'm lucky and blessed to have them. And I want to appreciate these middle of the night cuddles because I know they won't last forever. Yeah, I may be able to sleep through the night then, but I'll be honest, I will miss the cuddles. 


As a friend said to me yesterday: "Being a mom is fun; being a parent is a pain."

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