Monday, January 25, 2010

We're Weaning? We're Weaning.

So my 14-month-old son has decided to wean. I thought it was me leading this weaning process, but I'm slowly realizing that it's Nate doing the leading here.

I have many mixed emotions about this. Nate is my baby, my last baby. I've never nursed this long before. My other two kiddos only nursed until they were nine months.

He's only nursed twice each day for the past two days -- morning and night. For the first time ever, he took a nap after I offered him a formula bottle. In the two weeks since I started offering the bottle, he'll typically take some of the bottle and then want to nurse to "top things off" before he falls asleep. But nope, yesterday it was all bottle.

We're concerned about a milk allergy, so he's on the soy formula for now. And the kid digs it!

It's nice to be on the road to having my body (and my boobs) all to myself again . . .but breastfeeding is such a unique bond . . .and it's making me feel a bit sad to know that we're almost done with that part of our relationship. My baby boy is growing up!

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