Sunday, October 31, 2010

Long Time, No Post (and Happy Halloween!)

Well, it's certainly been a while, hasn't it? You'd think a writer would be better at posting on her own blog, but alas, life as a mommy gets in the way . . . (um, in a good way! I'm busy, OK.)

Today is Halloween.

The kids keep asking when trick-or-treating is going to start. This is when a child's lack of understanding of the concept of time can be challenging.

Maddie: So, Mama, when is trick-or-treating? How many more hours? (asked at 11:20 a.m.)
Me: Well, at least another six hours or so, Mad.
Maddie: Ugh! That's too long! I'll never last six hours!
Me: Well, we'll just have to try.

Me to Alex: Buddy, why are you trying to open that closet (in which hides the costumes for tonight's activities).
Alex: Oh, Mama, I was just going to check on Darth Gator (yes, Gator) to make sure he's doing OK in there.

Natey: Trick-or-treat! Wait, wait . . .Happy Halloween!


Maddie is going as a witch; Alex is "Darth Gator" and Nate . . .well, it depends on the weather. He's either going to be Brobee (from Yo Gabba Gabba), Thomas the Train, or he'll wear his Superman pajamas that come complete with a velco-attached cape. It should make for some good pictures.


One last thing . . . Alex is pretty freaking adorable when he's wearing his Darth Vader costume and says, as only a four-year-old can say: "Luke, I am your fodder."


Happy Halloween!!

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