Monday, August 1, 2011

Let the Countdown to Insanity Begin!

So at 30+ weeks prego with my fourth kiddo, I'm starting to count down the weeks before I become totally insane. I expect it. I can feel it coming. And I got a hint of it this week at the OB.

I'm already having contractions (nothing new for me; that's what I tend to do in pregnancy—contract early with no progress). And baby girl is already super low, so even she can sense the insanity is about to begin.

I was having some pressure/pain/contractions, so the OB had me come in for an NST (non-stress test) to check baby girl's activity level, my contractions, etc. Baby girl did well, but she kept moving off the heartbeat monitor. So our 15-20 minute NST turned into a 45 minute NST.

Now this wouldn't have been a big deal had I not had all three other children with me. An OB's office is not the ideal place to try to relax for an NST and monitor baby's movement. Seriously, what an oxymoron—having a non-stress test with three children running crazily around your chair. I kept my cool, but barely.

And the "if you're super awesomely behaved we'll get ice cream" promise had to go unfulfilled as none of the kids fit the bill of super awesome. Poor kiddos did stick it out for 2.5 hours of OB time, so I'll give them credit, but it still didn't justify an ice cream reward. (Oh, God, am I one of those mean parents?!)

In other baby news . . . we don't have a name yet. I *think* I know her name, but this is the first kiddo that I didn't have a bigger clue as to her name at this point in the pregnancy. We also don't have her nursery set up yet. Not a huge deal since *she* won't even notice if it's done or not, but I'll notice . . . so I need to work on it.

I also realized that I don't have a ton of baby clothes for this new princess. Hopefully she won't mind being seen in the same outfit more than once a week or so. ;)

I feel a bit of the insanity closing in around me already, but I also know there will be lots of good (but still insane) moments that will make it all worth it. Let the countdown begin!

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