My sweet, emotional, caring, empathetic, compassionate girl, Maddie, is very tender hearted (as you can imagine by the descriptors I've used here). I'm trying to make sure she isn't afraid to tell me anything and everything.
But I guess that worry about getting in trouble is an inherent worry for all little kids.
My darling daughter was playing with her American Girl doll and her Target-brand Our Generation dolls in her room after school today. She yelled down to me: "Mama, can we dye my American Girl's hair?" Um, no, no we can't.
So after another half hour . . . she came downstairs crying. "Mama, I need to tell you something. There was an accident."
My first thought was she had somehow hurt herself or one of her brothers, but no, in her world this was something far worse.
"Mama, I was playing with my American Girl doll . . .and a marker fell on her head! . . . and now, she has orange hair." Tears, and more tears.
I said to her: "Mad, it's OK, but I'm wondering if a marker REALLY 'fell' on your doll . . . or if perhaps you tried to dye her hair . . ."
You decide . . .

We had a talk about being honest, and that I would rather her make a mistake and tell me the truth about it. She seemed to get it. We'll see the next time her American Girl needs a makeover!

In other news . . . Natey took a tumble in the driveway this morning. It's a sloped driveway, and he just couldn't quite manage it. Poor little man!
He cried when he fell, but was over it so quickly and back to his happy self. Love him!

The story about Maddie was so cute, Jeannie!